Charlotte Crowder-Cattier

Charlotte is an antenatal educator and a fervent advocate for maternal well-being. She is also a practicing Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist specialised in perinatal mental health. Originally from France, Charlotte has lived in the UK for over a decade. She strongly believes that all women and birthing people deserve support in understanding their options and rights in pregnancy, and that our stories, cultures, and languages should never be barriers to positive and empowering childbirth experiences.

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Kim Ives

I feel birth is a time that a supportive community is of utmost importance. I believe that a woman should feel that they are being encouraged and supported to follow the path that is unfolding for them, that their voices are being heard and their needs being met.  In my work as a Doula I endeavor to support women in this way.

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Jessie swingler

I'm Jessie, a mum, perinatal doula and Web Designer in Bristol. I offer bespoke antenatal classes and birth preparation workshops alongside full doula support. 

I work with women from all different backgrounds, supporting their pregnancies, births and postpartum journeys. My focus is on ensuring everyone feels informed and looked after when experiencing this life changing event. I support people physically and emotionally and can't imagine my life without this work in it.

I am a qualified aromatherapist and hypnobirthing instructor and like to always include these in the support I give.

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Manuela Tedeschini

Hello everyone! I am Manuela, a birth and postnatal doula. I have always been passionate with everything regarding birth.

I am proud to volunteer for Project Mama as a Mother Companion, supporting displaced, pregnant women, in Bristol. I also run a breastfeeding support group called “Mini Milk”, in Brislington.

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Kim Mousley

Kim works as pregnancy and post natal yoga teacher, Hypnobirthing teacher and doula in Bristol. She knows first hand that birth is a transformational experience and the way you birth can have a profound impact on your both your parenting experience and your whole life. She believes that everyone deserves to recognise their own power, be treated with respect, and have a positive experience of this amazing rite of passage. 

Visit my website | Follow my Instagram | Follow my Facebook

Gail Daniel

I would love to listen to you and find out what kind of birth journey you would like to go on and then walk alongside you. I hope to give you the information and support that you need to help you feel more in control, held and supported throughout your birth. I am a birth and postnatal doula trained by Conscious birthing.

Visit my website

Rebecca HUNT

I have been with Project MAMA from the beginning as a Mother Companion volunteer. I've been working as a Bristol-based doula for the past 13 years, supporting women and their families through their antenatal, birth and early parenting journeys. I'm a mother to three grown children, I retrained as a doula in 2011 when they were young and have since been working to support women and birthing people in achieving their own positive birth experiences. Through my own clear choices around preparing for birthing my babies at home, I became passionate about helping other families to have safe and empowering births, wherever they choose to birth. I have experience supporting births in a range of different scenarios, including undisturbed physiological births, medically managed, VBAC, HBAC, Caesarean, Twin/multiple births, and births following previous trauma. My mission is to protect women's and birthing people's autonomy and provide kind and respectful care that listens to every individual's choice. I value safeguarding a person's dignity and human rights in maternity care and fostering an atmosphere of respect and compassion for everyone in the birth room.

Our mother companion team also includes..

Abi Colgan, Abi Matthews, Alice Ritchie, Beth Frances Richardson, Helena Whitwell, Jane Holder, Kate Cellen-Jones, Marion Cooper, Olivia Denman, Rachel Van Zyl, Ruth Holland, Soraia Torres Lage, Jen Pietroni, Carmen Little, and Cydney Hoy-Griffiths.

Our incredible Mother Companions are the beginning and end of all of our work. Project MAMA is so grateful for the compassion, skills, and dedication that all our MCs bring!